Devotional for December 28 - The Shield of Glory: Finding Strength in God's Promises

Verse of the Day: Psalm 3:3 (KJV)

"But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head."


In Psalm 3:3, the psalmist paints a vivid picture of God as a shield, a source of glory, and the lifter of our heads. The imagery of a shield evokes a sense of protection and defense. In times of trouble and adversity, God is our shield, guarding us from the assaults of the enemy. As a shield, He provides a secure refuge, allowing us to face challenges with confidence in His divine protection.

The declaration that God is our glory speaks to the source of our honor and dignity. In Him, we find our identity and worth. Our achievements and successes may fluctuate, but our glory is anchored in the unchanging character of God. Recognizing God as our glory invites us to seek validation and significance in Him alone, freeing us from the fleeting standards of the world.

"The lifter up of mine head" expresses a profound truth about God's redemptive work in our lives. In moments of despair, when our heads are bowed low, God is the lifter of our heads, restoring hope and lifting us from the depths of discouragement. This reassures us that, no matter the circumstances, God is actively involved in lifting us up and setting our gaze upon Him.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for being our shield, our glory, and the lifter of our heads. In times of trouble, we find refuge in your protective embrace. As our glory, we rest in the assurance of our identity in you. In moments of despair, lift our heads, that we may fix our gaze upon you, the source of our hope and strength. May your presence be our constant shield, guiding us through every challenge. Amen.

Action Step:

Reflect on the challenges you are currently facing. Surrender them to God, acknowledging His role as your shield. Consider areas where you may have sought validation from the world, and intentionally redirect your focus to finding glory in your identity as a child of God. Lastly, lift your head in worship, praising God for His faithfulness and redemptive work in your life.

Thought for the Day:

Today, let us find strength and confidence in the truth that God is our shield, our glory, and the lifter of our heads. As we face challenges, may we trust in His protective care, find our worth in Him, and experience the uplifting power of His presence (Psalm 3:3).

For more devotionals please visit CMS Devotional.


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